Meet the Homebirth Midwives of Raleigh-Durham,NC
Know your options for expert home birth midwife options in across North Carolina. Explore personalized care and capture the magic with Raleigh Birth Photography. Empower your birth journey.

My Ultimate List for Preparing for Birth in the Triangle
The ultimate resource list for planning an empowered birth in Raleigh-Durham, NC. I share my favorite birth doulas, and postpartum suggestions, and give a detailed checklist of things to consider as you get ready for your birthing day. I share which hospitals I recommend for evidence-based birth support from medical and nursing staff alongside a list of care providers I trust to offer mother-centered and knowledgeable support to expecting families.

Vaginal Breech Birth in the Triangle | Raleigh Durham Chapel Hill

Birth Photography Bucket List

My Birthing Box | Birthpix Review

4th Trimester Box | Birthpix Review