Celebrating Women - 2021

International Women's Day has been around for over a century. A day dedicated to celebrating women, gender equality and fundraising for female focused charities. It's hard for to single out one day, when what I do and my passion is so heavily focused around supporting and empowering women... every single day! 
When we all work to support each other, we build each other up! Celebrate! #ChooseToChange I encourage you to read the following list and do at least one action. Women supporting women; people supporting people, that is where change starts. 
  • Reach out to someone, let them know you admire them and why
  • If you know a newly postpartum mom, ask them how THEY are doing and truly listen without 'advicing'  
    • You can thank Lindsay Mumma for that word!
    • Lend a hand to someone who has expressed a need, take them a meal or drop off a iced coffee just to make their day
    • Give a stranger a compliment, in person, on the phone, through a text. Send them some love!
The women and families I have been lucky enough to know have helped shape me into who I am as a mom, wife, birth worker and friend. I owe so much to them. Witnessing their power in parenthood, is life changing. Enjoy some of these images below representing strength, love, power; WOMEN
birthing person touches their placenta, the organ she grew in her body to nourish her baby
hand to hand head to head two black women work through a contraction
mom leaning over edge of tub pushing through a contraction, supported by dad

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IAPBP | Birth Photography Image Competition | 2021